She also wanted to try a shot blowing glitter out of her hand toward the camera. So we headed out to a big field and stopped for bubbles and glitter along the way. The wind wasn’t very cooperative for the angle we needed to shoot for the sun/off camera flash to work together while blowing bubbles. Still, we managed to snag a good one that I like; just not enough to use it as my challenge entry. And here is the favorite glitter shot, even though the flash didn’t fire 🙁
I also took this chance to practice some of the posing techniques I learned from Lindsey Adler a couple weeks ago on CreativeLIVE. She really got into it! For the shot I am using as my challenge entry I also used a gold reflector (interestingly, on the same side as the off camera flash). The flash was a bit harsh, even though I dialed it down a bit, so since I have one I pulled out the shoot through umbrella and used it, too! I hope you like it.