Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. I haven’t been posting images for my grateful project like I promised. I’m sorry. I will let you in, a little, on what’s been going on in the life of my family if you’re interested. Maybe it will help you to understand why I have not been posting the images. But, I want you to know that I have still been taking pictures each week. So it’s not that I am not doing the project, I just haven’t been sharing it as regularly as I’d intended. If that has let you down, then, I sincerely apologize.
I used my cell phone, an ancient blackberry, to take most of the pictures over this time period. It’s not the greatest camera in the world but, this project is simply about sharing my life with you, particularly the parts that remind me of how good God is to me, so camera quality doesn’t really matter (I have to keep reminding myself of that).

In the meantime, why don’t I catch you up? Week 9 had us back home and visiting our homeschooling friends at the zoo. A trip that was very badly needed and especially refreshing and encouraging for me. The image for week 9 (week of February 23 – March 1, 2014) was taken on February 28 and is of my son feeding the birds at the zoo. He’s usually been afraid to allow them to land on him so this was quite the experience for him. Their vibrant colors, in particular, really struck me on this visit.

Week 10’s image is a happy reminder for me that spring is on it’s way, finally! Beautiful 70+ degree weather meant a trip to the park for a nice long walk outside.
So, week 11 is a little sad for me. For two years I relied on this truck to take me back and forth to work. It was never a pretty truck, and it always required some work. I was pretty mad at Jason for getting it when we first acquired it, but we were able to keep it running and it never left us stranded. We finally sold it this week in anticipation of some changes occurring later this year. What is amusing to me about this is that we had attempted to sell the truck about a year ago but got no interest, not even an email, nothing! This time around, Jason was receiving requests for more information within an hour of posting it and it was sold within 4 days. I think the guy who purchased it will take great care of it and I’m really excited for the truck to be fixed up properly; just wish I could see it when it’s done. Another amusing point about this old truck is that I cried. Yup, I fussed at Jason real good about buying it without my okay (in his defense, he had run it by me. Perhaps I just didn’t make it clear that I did NOT want to spend our money on that thing and he assumed I’d be okay with whatever he decided.) and then, I go and shed tears over the sell of the vehicle! How about that?

Week 12 brings us up to date on the grateful project, and it is one I am especially excited to share with you. If you have followed any of my blog posts, challenge posts, etc…. you know that my family has really been put through the wringer this year, and we aren’t through it yet. We have spent a lot of time in NC with extended family. Winston Salem, NC is the home of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts and has been my husband’s (and his families) preferred brand of doughnut for longer than I have known him. At least once a week on his way ‘home’ from visiting with his father in the hospital he would stop by the local Krispy Kreme store and get a dozen doughnuts. Last week, when he got home, it was discovered that the dozen he had purchased was short by 2 doughnuts. When he told me, I thought, “Yeah right, bet I know where they went.” However, looking inside the box proved that two doughnuts were never placed inside the box! With the store being half an hour drive away from where we were staying, going back was not an option, so he called. The night manager asked him about his father and made the decision to replace the 2 missing doughnuts with another dozen for us….and 10 dozen for the staff at the hospital! We were dumbfounded. This is not the first story I’ve heard on Krispy Kreme. While I cannot recall the stories I have heard about their generosity, I know that personally I have been impressed with their eagerness to pass their doughnuts on to everyone! Many times we have walked into our local Krispy Kreme store to purchase 4 doughnuts and they’ll give one or both of my children a free doughnut – for no reason at all. So, while their generosity is surprising, it’s not so surprising; they have a reputation for it already. Krispy Kreme gets serving their community and they love what they do (and really, who couldn’t?) So I want to encourage you to visit your local Krispy Kreme store and let them know you’re there because you want to support companies that understand the value of serving their community – even if it’s just to be an encouragement. And they are hitting the nail on the head.
When we stepped onto the floor my father in law is on at the hospital and told the nurses all these yummy doughnuts were for them from Krispy Kreme, it really caused a buzz and soon we were bombarded by all the nurses wanting a doughnut! But I did manage to get a picture to give you an idea of what 10 boxes, each full of 1 dozen doughnuts, looks like before they ravaged them:

Please do remember to let Krispy Kreme know you appreciate them. Even you can’t or won’t be going to the store, find them on >facebook< and leave them a message!
I hope you have enjoyed catching up on a full month of gratefulness! What are you grateful for?