I started dating my husband in April 1998. That Christmas he brought me to his families Christmas celebration. I wanted to do something special for his Mawmaw because he spoke so highly of her. She was hugely influential in his life and it was evident that he loved her. She loves handmade decor so I decided to make her a topiary (they were popular at the time). It turned out to be a giant mess of hot glue, burgundy/gold ribbon, and moss. She looked at it like, “What is this?” and, “What am I supposed to do with it?” It was that pitiful. Really, it was a lot like a kindergartener giving Martha Stewart a macaroni necklace -hard to mess up but Martha Stewart can do it better.
This week has been such a blessing to our family. It makes me incredibly thankful to be homeschooling my children. My husband’s Mawmaw fell sick late November/early December 2013. Christmas, with 50+ (usually +) extended family members, was always hosted at her home (which was always immaculately decorated [16+ Christmas Trees plus other decor]). 2013 was the first time in over 40 years that the extended Rhodes family did not celebrate Christmas together. Mawmaw was staying at her brother’s home and we all came in, two at a time, to say hello and wish her a Merry Christmas but it was not together and there was no Christmas Eve celebration. It was a very sad Christmas. Very different.
Unfortunately, Mawmaw has not got any better. In fact, she has had to be moved to a hospice home for 24/7 care. My family lives away from the rest of the family and we were finally called to come home, something we would not have been able to do without homeschooling our children. Homeschooling has allowed us to create precious moments like these in her final days:

So many other memories have been created with other family as well. But my favorite is the time spent with my son once the reality of the situation sunk in. He desperately does not want his Mawmaw to die and became too upset to remain in the room. So he and I went out to the family room and began to talk about life and death. Our Mawmaw is a Christian, when she leaves this earthly life she will be united with our Lord Jesus in heaven. I tried to explain this to my son as best as possible to be understood by a 9 year old. Finally, he said, “I want to make a decision to make Jesus my King so I can be with Mawmaw when I die.” I was so excited! Some more explaining was done and he insisted he was ready to make this decision. I called his daddy in and we led him in a prayer to “make it official.” It was just after this that my husband informed me that after Mawmaw’s “sermon” earlier that day, she had stated a desire for each of her family to know Jesus as their own Lord.
Though we have been drawn together through these sad circumstances, this week has been one overflowing with blessing upon blessing. I have had so much to be grateful for.